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Do I need to let you know about absence?


Yes please, if you're going on holiday please let us know  soon as possible.


What should I do if I need to drop off or collect my child early or late?


Just let a member of staff know what time you will arrive so we can get things ready, then use our intercom system to let us know you are here. 


How can I find out what's happening at pre-school?


You can visit our what's on page to find out what we're getting up to. If your child attends pre-school we post a daily update about the activities we have been doing. 


How can I find out about what my child will learn at pre-school?


Once a term we hold a parents information evening to explain the early years curriculum and how we deliver it. There is also information in our waiting room. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to get involved with childrens learning and can talk to any staff member about it at any time. 


Should I notify you if my child is ill?


Yes please, by text is the preferred method. Please also let us know what your child is unwell with so we can monitor.


What procedures should I follow if my child has had vomiting and diarrhea?


Your child must remain absent for 48 hours following the last incident. 


My child is staying for lunch, what should they bring. 


Children should bring their own lunchbox containing a healthy balanced meal that doesn't contain nuts, sweets or fizzy drinks. Our lunchbox guide  can give you more information.


What should I do if I want to change my child's hours?


Initially you should send a message to Pam who will be able to confirm if we have space and let you know what needs to be done to amend funding or payment. 









FAQs: Welcome
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