Our Curriculum
The early stages of children’s learning construct the foundation of their future success. We aim to inspire children to develop a love of learning by celebrating their individual potential and unique ability to learn. Adults and children are supported to be ambitious in their approaches, recognising that it’s ok to learn in different ways.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
The EYFS sets out the learning, development and welfare standards for all Early Years providers. Our core curriculum is supported by the seven key areas of learning. The three prime areas are the foundations and building blocks that must be secure for children to thrive and develop love for learning. The four specific areas allow children to use their fundamental skills to progress their learning further.
Prime Areas
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Specific Areas
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
Children and parents/carers receive a home visit before starting with us as well as an induction session. We use parent questionnaires and face to face meetings with the child's keyworker to establish secure understanding about the child's existing knowledge, likes, interests, goals and aspirations. Secure links between home and pre-school foster attachments that allow children to flourish and thrive.
Your child's keyworker plans key developmental focuses specific to your child. These take into account children's likes and interests and plans are communicated to parents/carers and we encourage you to feed back to us. Children's developmental progress is celebrated and communicated to you, remembering the unique learning journey your child is on and that progress is progress no matter what that looks like. You are invited to attend parents evenings once a term to discuss children's developmental attainment overall. Where it may become apparent children are not yet meeting typical age related development, targeted teaching will be implemented to bridge the gap. Parents/carers will be involved and will be given advice about support strategies for learning at home.
In preparation for the next stage of their learning journeys, comprehensive transition work is completed with your child's chosen school. The secure attachments we have made with the child will be utilised to facilitate communications with the next setting. We use a shared transition document across many local schools to be sure that information shared is relevant and supports the child fully.
Children will learn in a variety of ways. We embrace, encourage and promote the following characteristics of learning:
Finding out and exploring
Problem solving and choosing ways to do things
Thinking Critically
Having their own ideas
Using what they know in their play.
Being willing to have a go.
Participating in Active Learning.
Being involved and Concentrating.
Keep trying to achieve their goals.